Awardees Honored at a Special Dinner Hosted by President Fenves
A big bold idea inspired the creation of the President’s Award for Global Learning and the big bold ideas of seven interdisciplinary teams of students and faculty were the focus of celebration at a special dinner honoring the inaugural award-winning teams on Friday, Nov. 14.
President Gregory L. Fenves and his wife Mrs. Carmel Martinez Fenves gathered with Provost Maurie McInnis, faculty, students and special guests in the iconic Rapaport Atrium at the Blanton Museum Art. Over dinner and a short program led by Director of Special Projects, Laurie Young, they reflected on how much the teams have already achieved and how much they still have ahead of them.
As each team took the stage to receive a plaque honoring their achievements, student representatives thanked the International Board of Advisors and President Fenves for making the President’s Award for Global Learning possible. They also shared what a profound impact the program has already made. One student highlighted how the opportunity has ignited in them a passion they never knew they had. Another expressed gratitude to the program without which they would not otherwise have met their team members. Each of them commented on their excitement to work closely with faculty and pursue their projects with their international partners.
After months of preparation, their work is only beginning, and their big bold ideas will have a resounding impact, not only on the communities with whom they will work during the next nine months but also on the communities and future of Texas.
Both President Fenves and Provost McInnis remarked on how impressed they were with the teams’ proposals which include working with the International Red Cross in Lebanon to custom make female sanitary products for refugees, studying the impacts of colorism in Ghana and developing a unique and comprehensive needs assessment for housing and medical care in Mexico. They also lauded the unique nature of the President’s Award for Global Learning which seamlessly blends research and teaching while facilitating both interdisciplinary and experiential learning — all in a global context.
“Leadership means preparing our students to address the greatest challenges at home and in an interconnected and complex world.” — Gregory L. Fenves, President, The University of Texas at Austin

Team India | Student team members: Shayan Charolia, Heather Howton, Brian Mai, and Advaitha Reddy. Faculty team members: Dr. Joshua Apte and Dr. David Eaton.

Team Cambodia | Student team members: Simran Ali, Eunise Chen, Katelyn DeBacker, and Lingyu Kong. Faculty team members: Dr. Jenny Knowles Morrison, Dr. Lucy Atkinson, and Dr. Kasey Mariko Faust.

Team Lebanon | Student team members: Ishani Chakravarty, Edith Muleiro, Priya Ramamoorthy, and Kathryn Taylor. Faculty team members: Dr. Janet Ellzey, Dr. Noël Busch-Armendariz, and Dr. Katherine Polston.

Team Mexico | Student team members: Christina Ciaburri, Veronica Remmert, Claire Stephenson, and Andrea Sandoval Flores. Faculty team members: Dr. Ricardo Ainslie, Dr. Tim Mercer, and Dr. Peter Ward.

Team Georgia | Student team members: Anastasiya Byelousova, Parth Gupta, Michael Sanchez, and Lyndsey Wang. Faculty team members: Dr. Amy Liu and Dr. Sharmila Rudrappa.

Team South Korea | Student team members: Andrew Chen, Patience Ojionuka, Elena Ordonez, and Shaina Owens. Faculty team members: Prof. Jiwon Park, Dr. Soyoung Park, and Prof. Michael Baker.

Team Ghana | Student team members: Timia Bethea, Rebecca Chen, Christina Cho and Vida Nwadiei. Faculty members: Prof. John Doggett, Dr. Kevin Cokley and Dr. Minette Drumwright.

Teams and guests listen to remarks by President Fenves.

Team Mexico student remarks on how the President’s Award for Global Learning has ignited her passion.

Parth Gupta of Team Georgia describes how the President’s Award for Global Learning has impacted him.

Provost McInnis discusses the importance of the President’s Award for Global Learning.

Students and faculty from the team addressing Cambodia’s waste management challenges.

President Fenves with members of Team India, Brian Mai and Shayan Charolia.

Advaitha Reddy of Team India with Teri Albrecht, Interim Executive Director of the International Office.

President Fenves with members of Team Lebanon, Priya Ramamoorthy, Ishani Chakravarty, and Kathryn Taylor.

President Fenves with members of Team Georgia, Michael Sanchez, Parth Gupta, Lyndsey Wang and Dr. Amy Liu.

Michael Sanchez shakes hands with President Fenves and receives his award.

Students pose for pictures with President Fenves.

Director of Special Projects begins the evening’s program.

The Rapaport Atrium at the Blanton Museum of Art.

The Rapaport Atrium at the Blanton Museum of Art.

Provost McInnis congratulates the student and faculty teams on their achievements.

The evening closed with a group photo of all the student and faculty teams with President Fenves and Provost McInnis.